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With their field robot “E-Terry”, which could take over many manual tasks, Martha Wenzel and her colleagues now want to make the ecological transition easier for farmers
Around 12,000 visitors came to see the latest developments in organic farming in mid-June. Of course, the big machine demonstration, where present and future merged into one another, was not to be missed
The Erfurt-based company participated in the German preliminary round of the Future Agro Challenge with its innovative foldable field robot.
The start-up E-Terry is working on a field robot. Contractors should later be able to offer this as a loanable service robot for vegetable growing.
E-TERRY, winner of the FIRA award as best innovative ag robotics startup 2021, will unveil the latest generation of their robot on the FIRA 2023. The company develops an…
Erfurt-based robotics startup E-TERRY has successfully closed its first financing round in the seven-figure range. Several investors, including beteiligungsmanagement thüringen…
Kraut oder Unkraut – das ist für Kleingärtner Andreas oft genug die Frage. Feldroboter nutzen so etwas wie Fahndungsfotos oder wissen zentimetergenau…
Der ökologische Landbau steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Die Nachfrage nach ökologisch erzeugten Lebensmitteln ist in den vergangenen Jahren kräftig gestiegen…
Der Roboter E-TERRY fährt vollautomatisch über das Feld und unterscheidet mithilfe eines Algorithmus selbstständig zwischen Gemüse und Unkraut…
Öko-Lebensmittel sind im Trend. Jedoch sehen sich vor allem ökologisch wirtschaftende Landwirt:innen immer häufiger mit den zunehmenden Auswirkungen…
startup E-TERRY
Regularly, we want to present you the startups that are part of the RootCamp program. In this interview series we introduce you to the founders…